Half term has arrived finally! While it is not quite a week off for teachers, more a time to catch up on paper work. Still, it will be good to have a few days to relax after what felt like a long half term (was Christmas really that long ago?!). Bring on the sunshine!
I had made these duffins (donut + muffin) before but seem to lather them in too much butter last time making them tricky to eat (even if they were still delicious). So this time, I decided to use a milk brush to put on the butter after they had cooked. The down side of this was that by the time I got to the last ones, they had cooled too much for the butter / sugar to stay on! I say, dunk away! Another great recipe from Bea's at Bloomsbury.
420g flour
4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp freshly grated nutmeg
330g caster sugar
2 eggs (lightly beaten)
375ml buttermilk
2 tsp vanilla extract
130ml sunflower oil
Coating and filling:
250g unsalted butter
300g caster sugar
1/2 jar raspberry jam
1. Preheat the oven to 180C. Put all the dry ingredients into a bowl. Add the wet ingredients and stir until combined.
2. Spoon the mixture into muffin tray holes filling them three quarters of the way up.
3. bake for 25-30minutes until a knife pulls out clean form the middle.
4. While the muffins are cooking, melt the butter and put the sugar into a separate bowl.
5. As soon as the muffins come out of the oven, coat them in the melted butter then dip into the sugar (they are hot but you have to work quick or the sugar won't stick)
6. Put the jam into a piping bag and insert into the muffins (top is easiest but the bottom is neater).